Yes, I hang out at other places far more often then here. Hey, I'm just getting started (he says after 3 months).
So, I asked Dr. Tara Smith if she had any skepticism towards the current HIV paradigm. You may recall that Dr. Smith is an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at University of Iowa.
Here's the exchange:
HB: Ok, Tara, prove me wrong:
1. Are you skeptical of any aspect of the current HIV=>AIDS paradigm?
2. If so, What
TS: Sure, I'm skeptical of all of it. Does HIV really cause AIDS? Does it work alone? Are there other factors necessary? Is our treatment strategy the best method to go currently? Is advising all HIV+ people to take drugs optimal, or should some kind of screening--such as for the CCR5 delta 32 mutation--be provided first? I've mentioned all this on here previously, Hank. Despite what you say, my mind certainly is open to other alternatives--but as I've mentioned, show me the evidence.
Without falling out of my chair, madly impressed with this young lady (Don't get cozy there, Hank, you old goat! -- Mrs. Barnes), I must say -- you could not provide a better, scientific answer than what she did.
To paraphrase, Yes skepticism, Yes open mind, Yes show-me-the-evidence.
That's my response to every single scientific issue -- so it must be right:)
Based on this, we have reached detente, and I have pledged to behave on her site. The challenge is navigating the anonymous, hordes of 25-year old dorks, who adore her and try to distract me, with some of the most inane, pseudo-scientific trivial claptrap I've seen in 30 -35 years. Some of these kids, really oughta have gone to law school, not med school. Some are not even kids, but ex-hippies or something, -- a loose collection of has-beens, never-wuzes, and never will bes, but maybe that's too harsh.
Anyway, Dr. Smith has been professional and patient, and if she implements her viewpoint expressed above and fairly applies it to the virus-cancer issue and the virus-T4 cell issue, I really think that is all one can ask.
Oh yeah, some dork suggested that I would "quote mine" Dr. Smith, now. For all who read this, Dr. Smith believes that HIV kills T4-cells, in some manner unexplained, which interrupts normal immune function, leading to 1 of 29 diseases.