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Bad Manners and Good Gossip

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April 19, 2006


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Mark Biernbaum

Here is a (long, sorry) email conversation I had with Dr. John P. Moore of Weill Cornell Med Center -- a member of TAC and a "top AIDS scientist." He is one of the members of the scientific community responsible for a website thrown up after the publication of Celia Farber's Harper's article. The site is rife with misinformation and mischaracterizations and character assassinations. See it for yourself at My initial email here is to TAC, which sponsors the site, regarding an article from the site, authored by Moore, which mischaracterizes the training of Dr. Roberto Giraldo.

From: Mark Biernbaum
Date: April 16, 2006 9:40:34 AM EDT
To: [email protected]
Subject: Intentional mischaracterization by Dr. Moore

On Roberto Giraldo, M.D.

Medical Doctor, Specialist in Internal Medicine with a Major in Infectious Diseases from University of Antioquia, Colombia. Graduated with distinction from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, after obtaining a Master of Science in Clinical Tropical Medicine.

There was no reason for Dr. Moore to lie about Dr. Giraldo's qualifications in his response to Dr. Giraldo's work (on Once again, personal attacks are diminishing the impact of scientific questioning. Dr. Moore should have restricted his comments to Dr. Giraldo's work. The intentional mischaracterization of Dr. Giraldo by Dr. Moore will be corrected in print. One imagines that this will be quite embarrassing for Dr. Moore. TAC seems to have a serious case of foot-in-mouth disease replete with these types of mischaracterizations and character assassinations. A list of these has been compiled as part of an article that has been accepted in a major U.S. newspaper.

From: "John P. Moore"
Date: April 16, 2006 4:11:16 PM EDT
To: markbiernbaum
Subject: Your voice mail

Dear Mr Biernbaum,

Re your email below to Nathan Geffen:

On Roberto Giraldo, M.D.

Medical Doctor, Specialist in Internal Medicine with a Major in
Infectious Diseases from University of Antioquia, Colombia. Graduated
with distinction from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, University of London, after obtaining a Master of Science
in Clinical Tropical Medicine.

There was no reason for Dr. Moore to lie about Dr. Giraldo's
qualifications in his response to Dr. Giraldo's work (on Once again, personal attacks are diminishing the
impact of scientific questioning. Dr. Moore should have restricted
his comments to Dr. Giraldo's work. The intentional
mischaracterization of Dr. Giraldo by Dr. Moore will be corrected in
print. One imagines that this will be quite embarrassing for Dr.
Moore. TAC seems to have a serious case of foot-in-mouth disease
replete with these types of mischaracterizations and character
assassinations. A list of these has been compiled as part of an
article that has been accepted in a major U.S. newspaper.

I think it's a reasonable assumption that you, or one of your AIDS denialist friends, is the same person who left a subtly threatening, anonymous voice mail on my answering machine over the weekend (no name, no return phone number).

Please note that I have no interest whatsoever in communicating with you by telephone or by email, so publish whatever you wish, wherever you wish, if you are able to, that is........

John Moore

From: Mark Biernbaum
Date: April 16, 2006 4:24:33 PM EDT
To: "John P. Moore"
Subject: Re: Your voice mail

Dr. Moore,

It's Dr. Biernbaum, for the record. I'm assuming the contents of this email are quotable. Please let me know otherwise. Also, it might interest Mr. Geffen to know that the article makes the argument that TAC is a terrorist organization, starting with the raid on the NAPWA offices in S.A., and continuing with the indefensible defamation campaign currently going on in the U.S. Thus, the article being referenced has little if anything to do with the issue of AIDS causation, and has much more to do with the tactics of TAC.

For the record, the use of the term "denialist" in this debate is offensive to the Jewish community.

Thank you for your response,
Mark A. Biernbaum, PhD

From: "John P. Moore"
Date: April 17, 2006 10:49:00 AM EDT
To: Mark Biernbaum
Subject: Re: Your voice mail

You are confusing me with someone who is interested in communicating with you. Kindly correct this delusion and do not do so in the future. You and your fellow AIDS denialists are not people with whom my colleagues and I "debate", for that what would be to dignify your absurd views to an extent that that is undeserved. The only thing you will receive from us is our withering, unreserved, but entirely deserved contempt.
John Moore

From: Mark Biernbaum
Date: April 17, 2006 12:23:57 PM EDT
To: "John P. Moore"
Subject: Re: Your voice mail


I'll take all of that as a complement, thanks. Such hyperbolic language assures us we are on the right track.

Again, thank you for your communication,

From: Mark Biernbaum
Date: April 17, 2006 12:28:41 PM EDT
To: John P. Moore
Subject: Re: Your voice mail


I'll also make sure that other HIV+ people like myself are made aware of your contempt for their concerns.

Thank you,
Mark Biernbaum

From: markbiernbaum
Subject: Microbicide testing
Date: April 19, 2006 9:05:17 AM EDT
To: [email protected]

May I inquire as to whether or not the microbicide you are currently testing would work just as effectively in anorectal vs. vaginal tissue?

Also, how much funding for the project is being provided by Epicyte?

Thank you,
Mark Biernbaum

From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Microbicide testing
Date: April 19, 2006 10:11:03 AM EDT
To: markbiernbaum

You may not make such an enquiry, as I have told you that I never communicate with AIDS denialists like you.
John Moore

From: markbiernbaum
Subject: Re: Microbicide testing
Date: April 19, 2006 10:39:50 AM EDT
To: [email protected]

I'm not an AIDS denialist, Dr. Moore, I am an HIV+ person who happens to be intensely interested in microbicides. Perhaps Epicyte will be willing to share the information on vaginal vs. anorectal tissues. Perhaps the head of your department or the Research Director of Weill Cornell, or its Public Affairs Office would be willing to answer a simple scientific question. I'll put it to each of them and see.

Thank you once again for your response,
Mark Biernbaum, PhD

From: markbiernbaum
Subject: Re: Microbicide testing
Date: April 19, 2006 10:43:47 AM EDT
To: [email protected]

Also, Dr. Moore, as some of this research is underwritten by the government, you have no right to restrict it. A simple answer regarding whether or not you think this will work on anorectal tissue would suffice. If I cannot get that answer directly from you, I suppose I'll have to start making calls and knocking on doors regarding your recalcitrance to share such vital information with an HIV patient who has enquired.


From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Microbicide testing
Date: April 19, 2006 10:46:10 AM EDT
To: markbiernbaum

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. You're an AIDS denialist, Biernbaum. You have left a trail on the internet and in print that confirms your membership of this sick clique. So don't lie by pretending otherwise. Moreover, it was either you or someone very close to you (perhaps your brother) who left a harassing voice mail on my phone at the weekend. That alone renders you outside the bounds of civilized discourse. Ask whoever else you want whatever you want - feel free to waste your time.

John Moore

From: [email protected]
Subject: Research by Dr. John Moore
Date: April 19, 2006 10:47:30 AM EDT
To: [email protected] (Office of Research and Sponsored Programs)

I am writing because I put a scientific question to Dr. Moore: would the microbicides he is currently testing work as well on anorectal tissue as they do on vaginal tissue. He has refused to answer. I am HIV+ and investigating this for an article. Please direct me to a resource which would answer that question, since Dr. Moore has refused to do so.

Thank you,
Mark A. Biernbaum, PhD

From: markbiernbaum
Subject: Re: Microbicide testing
Date: April 19, 2006 10:53:39 AM EDT
To: [email protected]

Dr. Moore,

I have made it very clear to you that the word "denialist" is offensive to me as a Jewish person. Please refrain from using it. My views of AIDS causality are not elucidated fully on line, and include a role for HIV -- had you asked, I would have been pleased to tell you that -- hence my interest in your microbicide research, which I am personally very supportive of. I have already told you that I don't know who made this phone call you are referring to. Certainly, it could have been any of thousands of people, I imagine, who were displeased by your writings on Dr. Roberto Giraldo. The co-occurrence of my email to Mr. Geffen and the phone call to which you refer is likely nothing but a co-incidence. Now who exactly is playing the conspiracy card?

I don't consider finding out whether your microbicide will work on anorectal tissue as waste of time. Thank you for your permission to pursue it. I have already initiated contact with the RASP, and will continue to contact individuals at Weill Cornell until I receive a satisfactory answer to my scientific inquiry.

Thank you again for your communication,
Mark A. Biernbaum, PhD

From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Microbicide testing
Date: April 19, 2006 11:02:44 AM EDT
To: markbiernbaum

Ask away, AIDS denialist.

From: [email protected]
Subject: Research by Dr. John Moore
Date: April 19, 2006 11:07:47 AM EDT
To: [email protected] (Office of Public Affairs)

To Whom it May Concern:

I approached Dr. Moore with a simple question concerning work he is currently performing on potential microbicides for HIV infection. I wanted to know if he believed that the microbicide he is currently testing would work just as well on anorectal tissue as it would on vaginal tissue. As a gay HIV+ male patient advocate, this is important information to me, but Dr. Moore has refused to answer, due to the fact that I don't believe HIV to be the sole cause of AIDS. I believe that this constitutes scientific misconduct, as some of this research is sponsored by Weill Cornell and by the U.S. government. I only wanted an answer to my question.

If someone could obtain that answer from Dr. Moore, as he has refused to communicate to me, I would be most grateful.

Thank you,
Mark A. Biernbaum, PhD

From: markbiernbaum
Subject: Re: Microbicide testing
Date: April 19, 2006 11:43:20 AM EDT
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected], [email protected]

Again, Dr. Moore, I'll need to remind you that the use of the word "denialist," most often associated with Holocaust Denialists, is unacceptable to me as a Jewish person. Your continued use of the term, after my request that you refrain from doing so, can only be taken to indicate that in addition to your obvious biases against gay men, you are also an anti-semite. Now it will be necessary for me to make sure that papers like Tikkun are aware of your anti-semitism. Your employers should be made aware of it as well.

Thank you again,
Mark A. Biernbaum, PhD

From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Microbicide testing
Date: April 19, 2006 11:53:00 AM EDT
To: markbiernbaum
Cc: [email protected], [email protected]

Do your worst, AIDS denialist.

From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Microbicide testing
Date: April 19, 2006 12:03:18 PM EDT
To: [email protected]

Thank you, Dr. Moore , I will. You sound oddly like the current President of Iran -- like a terrorist. In fact, that is what you and TAC are (as the current lawsuit in S.A. alleges), apparently, and you are proud of it (as are most Moslem fanatics). Terrorism is not viewed kindly these days, as I imagine you know. Not your brand, nor anyone else's. You invite my worst -- be prepared, terrorist.


From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Microbicide testing
Date: April 19, 2006 12:08:35 PM EDT
To: markbiernbaum

If you had one more functional neuron, you would make a passable imitation of a daffodil.

From: markbiernbaum
Subject: Re: Microbicide testing
Date: April 19, 2006 12:14:49 PM EDT
To: [email protected]

Perhaps you're just a little jumpy these days, John, as the Letters section in Harper's didn't exactly exonerate your views. May I say that putting Gallo up as your representative was an incredibly stupid idea -- documented misconduct diminished pretty much everything he had to say. And defending HIVNET 012 was a poor choice as well -- any decent scientist familiar with the trial knows that it was a complete and utter disaster -- WESTAT is a highly reputable organization that does a tremendous amount of work for the federal government. You all are losing your grip, and your nastiness and vehemence make that extraordinarily clear. It's all unraveling for you. I feel sorry for you. Your time in Eden is now limited. Harper's was just the beginning. I don't even have to do my worst -- it's already happening everywhere you look. Oh -- and the neuron joke was really cute -- especially to someone like me with experience in neuroscience -- a really good one, John. How clever you are! Daffodils are pretty, don't you think?


Hank B

Holy Smokes!

We got the Honorable Mark Biernbaum standing toe-to-toe with the not-so honorable John Moore, our former winner of the Schmuck of the Week on April 4.

We've never met Biernbaum or Moore.

But, we predicted that Biernbaum was an honorable fellow, trying to sort out this AIDS mess caused by Gallo, Fauci, Maddox, Baltimore et al.

And, we predicted that Moore was a whiny, wimpy, little piss-ant, with bad manners.

Does or does not the above interchange prove us right?:)

Moore is totally unhinged -- a tempermental cry-baby, an embarrassment to good scientists around the globe. I've had more lucid discourse with my 14-year old daughter after a prom date gone bad! As they say in England, Cheerio, John!

Moore, why not come here, and let me ask you a few scientific questions. I'll stick to immunology, and stay away from the intrigue, but, dude, you need to repair your tattered reputation. You should apologize to Dr. Biernbaum immediately, and then sit here for an interview.


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