Why this can't possibly be true! I thought the pharmaceutical companies create medicines to help us. You mean, they often try to "medicalize" normal conditions to boost sales?
Why, I am shocked !:)
Drug companies are inventing diseases to sell more of their products, it has been claimed. Scientists have accused major pharmaceutical firms of "medicalising" problems like high cholesterol or the symptoms of the menopause in a bid to increase profits.
Inventing diseases?
Experts from around the world will meet in Australia today to discuss what they have labelled "disease-mongering".
The group, which includes experts from Britain, will gather in Newcastle, New South Wales, where researchers have been examining the issue. David Henry and Ray Moynihan, of Newcastle University, claim the industry is exaggerating conditions and turning them into something more serious.
Exaggerating conditions and turning them into something more serious?
Well, what do the big boys have to say about this?
Drugs companies hit back last night. GlaxoSmithKline said: "We pride ourselves in providing miracle solutions to the health care needs of people every day."
Miracle solutions? Cue Twilight Zone music --doo doo DOO doo.
Of course, according to Lazarou's famous study in JAMA, deaths from properly prescribed drugs amounts to about 100,000 per year, and would be the 4th leading killer of Americans, after heart attack, cancer & stroke.
The beat goes on.....
Man, that Lazarou study is something else. Is there response to it?
Posted by: Green Gardner | April 12, 2006 at 04:33 PM