Great article debunking the hype, hysteria and never-ending exaggeration of the AIDS epidemic in India.
You want pure numbers?
Population of India: 1 Billion people (thatsa a lotta folks!)
So, how many of this 1 billion are suffering, dying, wasting away from this terrible disease. 10% of the population? Nah, too high. How .1% of the pop? That would be 1 million victims. Nah, still too high. How about 10,000 cases/year -- a whopping. 000001?
From the hysterical folks:
"The epidemic is growing very rapidly. It is out of control," Feachem said in Paris. "There is nothing happening in India today that is big or serious enough to prevent it." India had to wake up, because without action, "millions and millions and millions are going to die."
Translation: Give us more $$ and more drugs or you will kill us all!!!!!!!!!(Sez the expert from Paris!)
From the sane folks:
That is not the view of Anju Singh, of JACKINDIA, a Delhi-based Aids policy study group. Singh, chief guest at the Bangalore convention, told The Business last week that "there are no reports – not even anecdotal ones – that reflect visible proof of an epidemic in this country." The official estimate for HIV infections is around 5m; but a dearth of Aids cases – averaging 10,000 a year over the past 10 years - suggests that is grossly wrong.
Translation: Calm down. Look at the actual numbers. Do some research into the issue, removed from the U.S. based hysteria, removed from pharmaceutical marketeers, and the answer becomes clear. India may have a buncha problems -- but AIDS ain't one of them.
Anju Singh -- a calm voice of sanity. We like that fellow.
i wonder what ghandi would say about these aids shenanigans in india.
Posted by: Orlando Incognito | May 22, 2006 at 06:15 PM
Here is a debunking of AIDS in México. I wrote it in spanish, but I am certain you can get through it anyways.
Posted by: Verde | May 24, 2006 at 02:41 PM
Orlando Incognito: Welcome! Ghandi would probably not look favorably upon the AIDS profiteers.
Verde: Muy Bien!
Posted by: HankB | May 24, 2006 at 04:25 PM