So, now the Brain Trust has declaimed that HIV originated in wild chimps in Africa. -- specifically Cameroon.
Solving the mystery of HIV's ancestry was dirty work. Scientists employed trackers to plunge through dense jungle and collect the fresh feces of wild apes _ more than 1,300 samples in all.
Knee-deep in apeshit -- that's just great:)
Before that, it took seven years of research just to develop the testing methods to genetically trace the primate version of the virus in living wild chimps without hurting the endangered species. Pure, unadulterated gibberish. But, I bet these geeks got paid sufficient $$ for 7 years of boondoggle research. We're 25 years into this pandemic," Hahn said. "We don't have a cure. We don't have a vaccine. But we know where it came from. At least we can make a check mark on one of those." Man, these folks are stupid.
this completely disputes a claim made on the BBC in 2001 that they had found THE captive chimp from whence "HIV" came!
They're full of crap.
Posted by: Dan | May 25, 2006 at 05:49 PM
As long as we're on the subject of origins...whatever happened to the idea of "patient zero"?
Back in the olden days, folks believed Gaetan Dugas was patient zero with a religious fervor. That story is obviously a flight of fancy, because if it was put out there as "fact" the folks at AIDS, inc. would have to actually connect the dots between Gaetan and these chimps. They ain't gonna do that.
Posted by: Dan | May 25, 2006 at 05:53 PM
Yeah, its sheer nonsense. They juss make crap up -- put a pseudo-scientific veneer on it, and throw it out there.
So, how did these wild African chimps get to all those raucous parties on Fire Island in the mid-70's?
BTW, sifting thru all that apeshit elicits exactly what evidence relating to Chimpanzees?
Posted by: HankB | May 25, 2006 at 06:39 PM