Funny piece in the LA Times -- Goodbye to AIDS
The red ribbons gave way to the pink ribbons, which were overtaken by the yellow wristbands — until light blue ribbons came along. And they've all been shoved aside by the latest color to wash over Hollywood: green.
Green ribbons? Is this the next cause -- standing in solidarity with flu victims. Perhaps Green representing excessive phlegm build-up?
Maybe it's the burnout factor. Or perhaps it's because Hollywood has a short attention span. But as AIDS enters its 25th year, it is no longer The Cause among celebrities. There is also the perception that AIDS now affects only developing nations instead of the U.S., where ever-improving medical cocktails are helping those with HIV live longer.
Maybe, AIDS was hyped from the beginning, many of the folks killed off by AZT monotherapy. Now its just a boring, chronic ,pseudo disease, where folks yap about the benefits of "cocktails", but throw them in the toilet, because of the toxicity.
Analogy: I think Y2K was bullshit. I remember the hype and scaremongering, this time by computer geeks! It never happened. Their response: Well, we took satisfactory measures to prevent it!
Same with AIDS -- it'll languish and die out within the next 10 years, and all these weasels will try to claim credit for it.
One very good thing from this epic tragedy, though, is that whenever a "new" horrific virus (fill in avian, nigerian chicken, European cat, E-Bola, West-NIle) enters the scene by these idiotic scaremongers, there will be sufficient numbers of level-headed skeptics to cut the nonsense off at the pass--- I hope!
"it's not easy being green."
Kermit the Frog, circa 1975*
*Revived by the Algore, 2006
Posted by: Lawstud6 | June 15, 2006 at 04:20 PM
Red ribbons, green ribbons, polka-dot ribbons, rainbow ribbons.....
Hell, mebbe these Hollywood Mensa scholars should worry less about trivial symbols, and crack a book open every once in a while!
Hank B
Posted by: HankBarnes | June 15, 2006 at 05:38 PM