What's the deal with our favorite AIDS whore, Prof. John Moore? And Why is he all hot and bothered over sex, monkeys, drugs and AIDS? (1) & (2)
Oh I see. He wants to save us all with a new class of hyped AIDS drugs -- the Microbicides (pesticides for humans?)
The history of "miracle drugs" is not good. They kill 106,000 people per year. (3) Let's see how AIDS drugs have fared.
1. Plan A: In 1984, the AIDS cult promises to develop a vaccine in 2 years. It never comes. Ooops.
2. Plan B: In 1987, they turn to AZT, a highly toxic, cancer-chemo drug that is carcinogenic in mice and monkeys. (4) For 10 years, Moore and his buddies wipe out an entire generation of mostly gay men, with massive over-prescriptions of toxic AZT. Oops.
3. Plan C: In 1996, they turn to protease inhibitors. Ooops. These cause Buffalo Hump -- where bulges of fat form into a hideous hump on the back of your neck. (5)
4. Plan D: Merge all these toxic drugs together into a "cocktail" and call it HAART. Oops. These cause liver failure, heart attack and more severe illnesses than the virus. (6)
So, now, touting Plan E, we have --- the Microbicides!
Moore Theory: HIV is spread thru sex. So, Moore wants the world to apply these pesticides, er, I mean microbicides, on female genitalia before intercourse! And, supposedly, these will kill the dreaded virus. Bring us the female monkeys to experiment, bellows young John!
But, before touting a drug that reduces the risk of sexual transmission of HIV, ya gotta first establish what that risk is, right?
I mean, heck, I can sell bottles of "dragon repellent" to my gullible in-laws, and I guarantee you after spraying, no dragons will appear.
So, John, I ask again: What is the risk of sexual transmission of HIV?
Remarkably, this genius IGNORES the LARGEST epidemiological study of heterosexual transmission in the United States. (Padian et al., AmJ.Epidem. 351-357 (1997).)
In Padian, we saw 175 HIV-discordant couples having sex over 6 years. The results? "No serconversions" (Padian, pg 354).
Let me repeat: AFTER ALL THAT SEX WITH HIV PARTNERS (38% anal sex too!) NOT ONE PERSON CONTRACTED HIV. (These are humans, John, not monkeys)
So, Padian estimated a heterosexual transmssion rate of 1/10000 (woman to man).
In other words, the risk is either ZERO or .0001.
Will Moore explain to the scientific world why he deliberately omitted a discussion of the Padian study from his paper?
Will Moore explain why -- in light of the nearly non-existent risk -- spraying toxic gel on your female consort is a good idea?
Will Moore explain to us if he -- scientific geek writ large -- has touched a female breast since the frickin' Magna Carta was adoped? (Just kidding John).
And I know all of you must be thinking as I did when I encountered the title of this paper proudly displayed as his latest and best scientific contribution. Gee even if this works as advertised isn't it like a gazillion times more expensive than a condom?
1. Moore et al, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2003) 52, 890-892.
2. Veazey et al, Nature Medicine 9, 343 - 346 (2003)
3. Lazarou, JAMA. 1998 Apr 15;279(15):1200-5
4. Olivero et al, Journal Of The National Cancer Institute, Vol 89, 1602-1608, (1997)
5. Paparizos et al, AIDS: Volume 14(7) 5 May 2000 p 903
6. Reisler et al., JAIDS: Volume 34(4) 1 December 2003 pp 379-386