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July 27, 2006


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Johnny B.

Viral Load = Fauci, Moore and Gallo riding in the back of a truck.

Mark Biernbaum

I am so grateful to people like Rebecca Culshaw and Roberto Giraldo, who kindly sent me the Roche Amplicor kit on Viral Load measurement. I have been "treated" for HIV in 6 different U.S. cities by as many HIV specialists, and ALL said the same thing to me: "This test measures the amount of HIV circulating in your blood." In other words, gay men like me are simply lied to on a daily basis by these professionals who profess to really care about our health. What would be extremely helpful is if someone, anyone who could really explain what viral load is and is NOT measuring, could discuss this in an article for a magazine like "The Advocate." I certainly would do it if I could, but I could barely get throug the test kit information. So, please -- to anyone who could do this, consider this post as a call for help. Gay men need truthful, real information on these tests, not more lies.



Here is a lay article called, "Viral Load of Crap."

Here is an overinclusive response:

These aren't scientific papers, but probably they can provide you good leads to the relevant scientific papers.

- Trent

Mark Biernbaum

Thanks, Trent, but I'm not looking for info. I'm looking for someone who could write up this kind of info and get it into a mainstream gay publication; otherwise, it doesn't really matter. If it's in the Advocate, which is the largest circulating GLBT magazine in the world, then it means something. All the good summaries on dissident websites are lovely, but they are seen by dissidents only, and that's exactly my point. Dissidents don't need the education on this; gay men who are still part of mainstream HIV treatment do.



Yeah, I'm not really a "dissident." I am interested in the issue, trying to figure it out. Until recently, I hadn't even known there were two sides (or even three or four). The papers I cited are two that I personally found interesting and somewhat illuminating on the subject of viral load. Nothing more.

- Trent

Mark Biernbaum

I just want to say this, then go away. Someday, the truth about HIV will be known. On that day, a lot of nice, smart people, people like Hank, and Rebecca, and Celia Farber, will be vindicated, and right they should be. And they'll celebrate. But I'm also going to be there, with a body count, of all of those people whom I know exist who will never read this or any website like it, who have been diagnosed, who are being "treated" and who have never heard of "Harper's" or "AIDS denialists," or John Moore or anyone. I believe it's time to stop being academic and self-congratulatory about this. It's time for a real street level public health approach, but every time I talk about that, everyone shrugs. So, I'll be there on that fabulous day too. You all bring the champagne glasses, I'll bring the body count.


For a person living with HIV that has not begun a meds regiment, what is your recommendation? Furthermore, who are you? Is your 'about me' section simply not functional? I think that this is a very provocative site and I appreciate the balance it provides. Thanks, Camille

Mark Biernbaum

Camille, I wouldn't recommend starting meds at all, although I think there may be a time and place for them. If you are recenlty diagnosed, and your total lymphocyte count is in normal range, forget the meds for now, and HIV, and have a good and productive life.

noreen martin

Camille, Mark gave you some very good advice, if it ain't broke, dont' fix it. You are fortunate to be in the position of knowing that there is disagreement out there in the scientific community. Many of us did not at first know this and were not told this by the mainstream doctors. Nor were told of the side effects of the drugs. I agree with Mark and would only take these drugs as a last resort, meaning that you are near death's door because they haven't been proven to stop the virus but we do know of the side effects of them. You may or may not know may story. I had full-blown AIDS, took the medications with side effects and have since opted to go off of them and I am doing quite well. My advice to you would be to weight both sides of the issue and make up your own mind as I have stated before, "it's your life"!


Mark, Trent, Camille,

Welcome (and welcome back)!


I don't know about medical advice, other than many doctors are clueless on this issue. The best thing to do is research the issue yourself, talk to folks like Mark B and Noreen, who have dealt with these issues personally, and, above all, exhibit some healthy skepticsm.


Johnny B.

Really? No medical advice Hank? Why, I'm SHOCKED. :)



You stated, "I'm looking for someone who could write up this kind of info and get it into a mainstream gay publication..."

Do you know anyone at the Advocate?

I would LOVE to see an article in a major gay publication also. That is where the re-education needs to be focused... directly at the gay men who have been given death sentences by being told they are HIV Positive. Only then are we going to begin to make a difference.

You do your part and find someone to talk with at the magazine and I will do my part and make sure they have someone to talk with that can provide the scientific information.

How about it?? Want to take on the challenge??

- Trent

Mark Biernbaum

Trent -- it is in the works, my friend. I do know someone at the Advocate, and I have found two collaborators and the work has begun. I will keep Hank posted on our progress. Even if we can't get it into the Advocate, we will place it in the AIDSWiki. Darin Brown and Rebecca Culshaw are assisting. Thanks for your enthusiasm.

Mark Biernbaum

Trent, -- P.S., if you have old copies of the Advocate, see the Pride issue from June 22, 2004, p. 36, or visit this URL:



Excellent! This is the way to progress - each doing our part to advance the truth.

Please let me know what I can do to help you.

- Trent

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