Ok, we now present the next Installment in our little dialogue with AIDS guru, the haughty, insufferable, and highly perturbable, John P. Moore. I've needled him about his odd silence for the past 18 hours, then ask him 3 substantive questions, to which he responds:
Errrrr......... Maybe the delay in my response was because I was actually out last night and wasn't logged onto email until this morning when I got back? (the concept is called "having a life" - you should try it sometime).
In terms of responding to your questions (1-3), I refer you to the AIDStruth.org website. As you are well aware, we do not discuss or debate the facts with AIDS denialists like you.
The Amazon-site issue is now history. Again, like I said, we have moved onto to more significant denialists than Bialy.
My first reaction is, WTF? This is the face of AIDS research in America circa 2006?!!? What a putz. What possibly could he be doing at night besides lip-synching old Elton John records with his buddy Richard Jeffries? So, I fired back in a few minutes, interspersing my direct comments to his silly, evasive response:
Errrrr......... Maybe the delay in my response was because I was actually out last night and wasn't logged onto email until this morning when I got back? (the concept is called "having a life" - you should try it sometime).
Yeah, where'd you go? What'd you do? Myself, I just ordered pizza with my wife and kids, and interviewed a potential nanny for our daughter. You have kids?
In terms of responding to your questions (1-3), I refer you to the AIDStruth.org website.
Let me understand this logic, Colonel. I ask you 3 direct questions, you dodge, evade and refer me to your website. Is that right? Is that how scientists in the AIDS community operate?
As you are well aware, we do not discuss or debate the facts with AIDS denialists like you.
I see. Well, I'm not an AIDS denialist. I don't "deny" anything. I see a lack of evidence to substantiate very exotic claims by scientists who get awful touchy and clam up when I ask them basic questions in their field of expertise. So, can we now discuss or debate the facts?
Let me ask those really, really, really basic questions again, if you don't mind.
1) What paper would you cite that first demonstrated the "fact" that HIV causes AIDS?
(2) What paper would you cite that tested the competing hypotheses that: (a) HIV was a pathogenic virus and (b) HIV was a passenger virus?
(3) What evidence would falsify your claim that HIV causes AIDS?
The Amazon-site issue is now history. Again, like I said, we have moved onto to more significant denialists than Bialy
Who is "we"? Am I conversing with more than 1 person? What do you mean "moving on to more significant denialists than Bialy?" You post a ridiculous page on your inane website about Dr. Bialy, you write 2 childish reviews of his book on Amazon -- and yet you're afraid to engage in a scientific debate with Dr. Bialy on the issues?
I don't think most normal scientists operate like this, John.
Do you remember when Dr. Lynn Margulis called out these AIDS poseurs for " ...moralizing censorship, rhetorical tricks, consensus of opinion, pulling rank, obfuscation, ad hominem attacks .."
Sound familiar? Stay tuned for the final installment of the Moore Follies.
[More to Follow]
"As you are well aware, we do not discuss or debate the facts with AIDS denialists like you."
Wouldn't "debating the facts" actually show the world how rock-solid the supposed "facts" are? What better way to prove their case than to debate those who question them. Am I missing something?
Posted by: Dan | July 20, 2006 at 02:19 PM
It is mysterious, isn't it? They only debate the "facts" with people who already agree with the "facts."
Posted by: HankBarnes | July 20, 2006 at 02:23 PM
Nothing myserious at all to that. It's quite common practice among religious zealots.
Can't wait for final install Hank. I bet it's a knee smacker.
Posted by: George | July 20, 2006 at 03:05 PM
Your stamina is amazing, Hank. :-)
Posted by: Dean Esmay | July 20, 2006 at 10:59 PM
That's what my wife sez:)
Posted by: HankBarnes | July 21, 2006 at 01:19 AM