Dear Prof. Duesberg,
I read with great interest your papers and the Italian translation of your book about the worldwide mistake on the etiology of AIDS. "Inventing the AIDS Virus" has been written in 1996, ten years ago.
You also published a review in 2003. What is your opinion today? The last papers you published concern other issues. Is this because you changed your mind? Or, maybe, just because you got tired in fighting against the HIV lobby?
I hope you won't find my approach to be too rude, I'm sorry. The problem, my problem, is that I must understand and I also have to decide what counseling to give to my patients, or friends who are (or are afraid to become) positive for HIV.
Thank you so much
dr Guglielmo S.
Dear Dr. S.,
Thank you for your interesting questions about Duesberg's AIDS.
Let me tell you, why I have not "published" on AIDS since 2003 by way of an experiment with you.
Assuming that your letter signals a certain agreement with my conclusions that AIDS is a chemical/lifestyle epidemic, why don't you send a letter signed by Dr. Guglielmo S. to the Corriere or the Repubblica and make this point including your reasons? Or send such a letter or short paper to your preferred medical journal, The Gazetta Italiana or to Science, or present a paper at your next medical conference? And if you get even more serious, request some AIDS research funds from the Instituto Superiore de la Sanita to get answers to your questions?
If you have done, or even tried just one of these things, you will suddenly have the answer to your questions to me. Please do one of these experiments, and let me be the first to know about your results.
Where in Italy is your praxis?
Saluti cordiali,
Peter D.
Dear Professor,
First of all I want to thank you for your answer.
I am a pediatrician and an allergist. In Italy we say Allergy and Clinical Immunology, but I don't have, among my patients in Hospital, in Naples, AIDS patients.
I had been very impressed by your book not only for your theories on the AIDS etiology but also for the first chapters where you described a long chain of medical mistakes (Beri-Beri and so on).
Unfortunately I don't have sufficient strength or scientific reliability, in the field of AIDS, to express doubts against the official version. The papers I write concern chamomile tea allergy or allergen immunotherapy. I made a present of your book to many colleagues, as I found it so instructive.
I well understand your ironic answer to my question. Of course, I simply can't send a letter to La Repubblica with a different interpretation of the etiology of AIDS. No one newspaper in Italy could publish such a letter. You're totally right.
I apologize for my poor English, but I hope that, at least, it is possible for you to interpretate it.
Thank you so much for the attention you gave to my first letter.
I am at the Allergy Unit, Hospital Loreto Crispi, Naples.
Cordialissimi saluti,
Guglielmo S.
Caro Guglielmo S.,
Thanks for your kind answer. You have been a good sport in my "experiment" to show you, why publishing and funding for non-HIV-AIDS is practically impossible in this very catholic world of HIV-AIDS. The control and censorship exerted by the HIV-AIDS church hierarchy rivals the days of the holy inquisition in the Americas and Europe.
Please stay in touch, my friend, and let me know when you need more material. I think our time will come. The HIV-AIDS hypothesis has been unproductive and worse than that, it has helped many to die early by prescriptions of DNA chain-terminators as anti-viral drugs. This is now even acknowledged by the HIV-AIDS establishment.
Saluti cordiali,
Dr Deusberg does of course ignore the experience of many physicians such as my self who have had the privelege of working through the HIV/AIDS evolution' of therapy.Everyday we witness many of the persons he demonises with HIV infection who in spite of unchanged life style make truly miraculous responses to ART.
The question I wanted to ask him is, has he followed in the honourable tradition of physicians such as John Hunter and innoculated himself with HIV as I believe he boasted he would do so'? That would of course be the ethical course of action.
Raymond C. M. (UK)
Dear Raymond C.M.
Your experience that "we [physicians] witness many of the persons he demonises with HIV infection who in spite of unchanged life style make truly miraculous responses to ART" is not shared by most of your colleagues according to their recent publication in the Lancet (attached).
According to this article your colleagues arrived at the conclusion,"Virological response after starting HAART improved over calendar years, but such improvement has not translated into decreased mortality". Have a look at the text of the article your self, to find out that even this is an optimistic description of what's happening to those treated with DNA chain-terminators and protease inhibitors indefinitely, according to the standard of "care".
Peter Duesberg is a professor in the department of molecular and cell biology at the University of California (Berkeley), and a member of the United States National Academy of Sciences. Prof. Duesberg sometimes forwards us letters he receives at his website along with his replies, and sometimes we publish them. :) (Hank)