The fundamental premise of The National Vaccine Program is that mass immunizations prevent, and may even eradicate diseases. It is an idea borne of compassion, especially regarding children: who wouldn't want to protect one's child from a horrible disease, if there was a safe way to do so? Yet it shouldn’t be forgotten that the history of vaccination shows that vaccines have been known to cause problems as least as serious as the ones they have been imagined to prevent.
When the yellow fever vaccine program was implemented finally, for instance, in July 24, 1942, a report of the US Secretary of War, Henry L. Simpson regarding the deaths from yellow fever shots stated that: "Recent army experience with yellow fever vaccine resulted 28,505 cases of hepatitis (disease of the liver) with 62 deaths."
Nor can it be said, that the polio vaccines prevented a single case of polio, rather (From "The Virus and The Vaccine"):
“Throughout May and June, cases of polio caused by Cutter's vaccine spread beyond the Far West and began to appear in every region of the country. The epicenter of the devastation was in California and the rural state of Idaho".
Regarding the effectiveness of the polio vaccine, Thomas Levy, and colleagues suggested that:
“Certainly the primary purpose of a vaccine is to protect those injected from a specific disease. In fact, many vaccines have not only substantially failed in such protection, they have frequently caused the very diseases for which they were supposed to offer protection. America's own Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta admitted in 1992 that the polio live-virus vaccine had become the main cause of polio in the United States. Specifically, the CDC asserted that, from 1973 to 1983, 87% of all (non-imported) cases of polio resulted directly from vaccine administration. Even more amazingly, it was asserted that every non-imported case of polio in the United States from 1980 to 1989 was vaccine-induced” (Strebel, P. M., et al., Clinical Infectious Diseases, 1992).
When administered alone or in combination with other vaccines, the vaccine damage from the "Hepatitis B" vaccine has been widely documented in children in the US and in France. Many of us view with alarm, for example, claims regarding the new "HPV" preventing cervical cancer in the same light as we view the Glaxo SmithKline and Merck package inserts regarding the "Hepatitis B" and other vaccines. No safety data are ever presented, especially for children. We cannot even obtain the original trial data from the adult trials because "it is not available" through the Freedom of Information Act, but was "lost" according to Institute of Medicine hearings held a few years ago, and according to the CDC itself. The non-safety data we did manage to obtain from The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System and from the CDC showed instead, for example, that the "Hepatitis B" Syndrome, when it does occur in non-vaccinated individuals, spontaneously resolves (does no harm) in almost 95% of those who become seropositive for the “Hepatitis B antigens.” The data also shows that there are 100 victims of the "Hepatitis B" vaccine for every person the vaccine is claimed to protect, and these victims experience serious, life-threatening, and life-long adverse effects (according to the Merck package insert, the figure is 10.4% experience adverse reactions, about 1% of which are serious enough for hospital admission).
Parents need accurate information, instead of hyperbole and fear, in order to make fully informed decisions about their children receiving new experimental vaccines: In a front page Chicago Tribune story printed September 18, 2005, by T. M. Phung in a front page May 18, 2006, by J. Graham Chicago Tribune Story, we see how The Media has become big pharma's and the government’s fear campaigns biggest ad spinners, as Merck is given a free and unchallenged platform to tout the wonders of "Gardasil," (cleverly named I think), where they claim that this new vaccine against human papillomavirus, or "HPV,"was 100 percent effective in preventing precancerous cervical disease, but only when given to women and girls who had never engaged in sex at the time of the shots." :)
How good is the real science behind such claims that vaccines against viruses can prevent pre-cancerous cervical disease in the case of "HPV"? Unfortunately, instead of science or evidence, moralistic debates, fear, and authoritative opinions, simplifications, and distortions, are routinely presented as fact through media campaigns regarding the safety and efficacy of vaccines. For your child (or yourself or other loved ones), if we permit these propagandistic "public health threats," "global pandemics," "threats to national security" to continue, and allow the Government and Big Pharma to implement their tests and/or vaccines according to the current model through our tax support and acceptance of their new "molecular vaccines" and "antivirals," we will continue to nod our approval to the largest, and most dangerous experiments ever directed at human beings. Especially non-immunogenic ones that contain squalene, such as the new “HIV,” and other vaccines.
I beg the Public Health Service to experiment on preventing adult sexually and injection drug use-transmitted diseases on your own children by injecting your infants or children with your experimental vaccines, so that when your sons and daughters grow up to become sexually promiscuous and needle-using drug addicts, they won't contract a rare disease that poses almost zero risk, that will resolve without treatment in most cases, or that simply produces harmless antibodies as evidence of exposure. Please leave our infants and children alone.
Andrew Maniotis, is a Parent and Program Director in the Cell and Developmental Biology of Cancer unit of the Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago. He is also one of our favorite, irregular commenters and we are pleased to have him now join "You Bet Your Life" as an ocassional columnist.