Very interesting site.
My question concerns the sudden onset of Acute HIV Syndrome 2-4 weeks after exposure to HIV
Even if HIV does not ultimately cause AIDS, it seems that HIV is a very real contagious virus that induces flu or mononucleosis-like symptoms until the body produces antibodies to fight the infection. People typically recover within 2 weeks.
Doesn't this Syndrome prove the existence of HIV, and if so, do you think HIV could simply be a bodily-fluid-bourne form of the flu or mono, totally unrelated to AIDS? How is it that no-one can isolate the pathogen for this as they can for flu or mono when the symptoms are so similar?
It seems that unlike a flu or mono, HIV remains contagious from the carrier virtually forever even if the carrier is never symptomatic again. Is that rare for a pathogen?
Jeff (porscheboy@xxx)
Dear Jeff "Porsche",
Can you provide me with a reference for, or some equivalent scientific evidence of that "sudden onset of acute HIV syndrome"?
Hint, if such a syndrome existed, why is it that millions of HIV-positives never noticed or remember it?
What kind of a Porsche do you or want to drive?
Peter Duesberg
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the quick response.
These are just a few references to Acute HIV Syndrome (or Acute Retroviral Syndrome):
A quick search on Google throws back millions of hits. The estimates I've seen are that 30-50% of HIV+ folks have experienced this early flu/mono-like illness. And certainly, since it presents so much like the flu, more folks could have experienced it but not made the connection to HIV. While certainly some never experience this "syndrome", there are enough reports of it that I don't think it can just be brushed off.
But my interest really started because of my own life. A friend of mine was first tested HIV+ shortly after having what he thought was mono. Now, just two weeks after doing something stupid and possibly exposing myself to HIV, I'm now sick with flu-like symptoms. It's freaking me out a bit!
I'm skeptical of the HIV-AIDS connection and of current treatment regimes, but I think any theory counter to the viral theory needs to account for this illness directly after exposure.
Oh, and I currently have a 1993 Porsche 968 coupe, with the 6 speed manual... red with black leather! It's my daily driver, and I've had it quite a few years. Great car! I highly recommend anything from the company! I'd really like to get a mid-90s 911 Carrera 4... last of the air cooled 911's and 4 wheel drive! Do you have a Porsche?
Hi Porsche boy,
I wish I did. I also prefer the old air-cooled ones - they have much more testosterone than the new water-cooled engines. In the meantime I drive a Volvo.
Dont worry about flu like symptoms. You will get over it, as did billions of your ancestors without the "assistance" of the CDC and the current AIDS establishment. But, if they get a hold of you and find out you are HIV-positive, they will prescribe anti-HIV drugs - which are AIDS by prescription.
In that case you would enjoy your Porsche not much longer.
Here is the problem: Conventional Flu (not bird flu) is so common that "it can [not] just be brushed off" as a consequence of conventional Flu virus.
It can, however, be brushed off readily as a consequence of HIV infection: How could the same virus cause Flu-like symptoms when it first infects, and 10 years later come back with Kaposi sarcoma, or diarrhea or dementia? There is no precedent for a conventional virus with just 3 genes (9 kb of RNA), such as HIV, and such a mysterious pathogenic repertoire.
To write such diverse and time-dependent programs takes nature typically many more genes, as for example those in human primates and other mammals.
Hi Peter,
Sorry about the Volvo! Not a bad car at all, but not as fun as a Porsche! You should spoil yourself! Seriously... you won't regret it.
I'll still go for an anonymous HIV test soon. Even if + though, I have no plans to ever take the establishment drugs. I do believe they are poison. And, I have no other AIDS risk factors as you describe, like drug use or malnutrition. At this point, I worry more about the stigma of being HIV+ than of ever developing AIDS. It's sad what a + test can do to someone's life.
It's been only 3 days with this "flu" and I'm already feeling better. My immune system is doing its job.
I just wish my + friend would be a bit more skeptical. He's in perfectly good health, he's been + for only about 1.5 years, but he's already on a drug cocktail. I worry about him.
Thanks for chatting with me. I had actually been to your site long before this current situation I find myself in. I hope you continue with this line of work. There needs to be more open debate, and misinformation needs to be corrected. So much is at stake.
Take care, Jeff
Dear Jeff,
It looks like that Porsche is going to have a lot of use/abuse from you before I have a chance to get it on the flea market.
In the meantime I hope Anthony Fauci et C. consider sincere scientific "minorities" like me fundable again. Then, of course, I will order that new Carrera to celebrate my first grant being funded by an NIH study section since 1992!
Take your friend for a good ride and tell him at 180 mph that he must accept everything you tell him now about AIDS or else you accelerate to 250 mph.
Stay in touch, Peter D.
Peter Duesberg is a professor in
the department of molecular and cell biology at the University of
California (Berkeley), and a member of the United States National
Academy of Sciences. Prof.
Duesberg sometimes forwards us letters he
receives at his website along with his replies, and sometimes we
publish them.