Two noted, "HIV/AIDS researchers" discourse on the nature of time.
Kary Mullis on "The Cosmological Significance of Time Reversal"
While still in graduate school, Dr. Mullis had this scientific correspondence, of which he remains to this day extraordinarily proud, published in nature.
Bialy on "bialy/s"
One of the galleries in my on line, interactive, multimedia museum ("bialy/s") is mostly devoted to AIDS insurgency exhibits that have come into existence because of one or another internet adventure of the past year and half or so. My personal favorite, and one which has been downloaded thousands of times since February (according to the usage stats at the bottom of the right hand sidebar) is called: The Book of the Bllog
Charles Stein: And another, other thing : "Everything is True by Inversion"
There are of course no molecules. And atoms—that twentieth century idol—have fallen into their archaic emblem and are logged as such for all eternity. As is the case for every phenomena, rendered to scale. There are of course no phenomena. What?! You say this? Certainly. No. Phenomena.
When the Aeon dawns, it will be the fixation on all and every assertion of determinate being that will be the first wicked thing to dissolve. It is that, that is Bo-r-r-r-ing: Enthralledness unto Belief that anything whatever is SO. The distinction between true and false is simply drawn in the wrong place. If we are to retain those tired old horses, black and white, tugging at the reins, we will have to have it that the False is the Form of the True. But we don't have to have. Those. Tired. Horses. Money has an enemy.
For anything to be so there must be a decision that places the scale on which that object shall be
rendered discernible on one side of a distinction and every other
scale—of which there are transfinitely many, and a BIG transfinitely
many—on the other side of the distinction. The trouble is, that in any
transfinite realm sufficiently large enough to satisfy THIS inspector
of DISTINCTION, distinction itself is sourly indistinct. It isn't the
least bit funny. It is not possible to distinguish where you are. Here
is neither here nor there. Unless HERE awaken absolutely without
distinction. In any case, the ultimate failure of distinction is our
secret hope.
And another thing.
"Everything is true by inversion."
Charles Olson did say that.
Which is to say, a thing and its inverse forms a form. And it is that form which is divided by a distinction from all else — all other similarly paired inversions. Each form is a bubble. As transient as maybe.
Now, our science seeks to render reality invariant over scale and frame of reference. The latter is well understood but the matter of scale is more difficult. We want to know what something is independently of what the scale is at which one takes its information, or better, we want to know what it is at ALL possible scales of reference. Superstring to mega mega galaxy, ie whole post-singularity this universe. Generalize over the zoom function. But how far can you carry this procedure? Are there discrete levels that are relevant only? Is there a limit to how far out you can travel your zoom or how big you must imagine the total field? For surely at even the smallest infinity all finite objects disappear.
And even within the finite, if there is a continuum of scales—and it is hard to see why there shouldn't be such—the transfinite reappears within the finite. And even within the finite there would be scales beyond the present universe. But that makes no sense, doesn't it? There is also this difficulty: there are perfectly relevant forms that are already invariant over scales and cannot be found among them.
Charles Stein is a poet, scholar and translator. His newest work, "Persephone Unveiled", is described by Peter Manchester ("The Syntax of Time") as "the most auhoritative book (he) has ever read on the nature and consequence of divine revelation". (Otis)
Insatiable Truckers Spreading HIV in Indiana
By: Marcel Girodian
INDIANAPOLIS - Truck drivers call it the Trucking Crossroads of the World. But public health authorities are increasingly regarding the intersection of Interstate Highways 65 and 90 as the AIDS crossroads of America.
"I can't say for sure which trucker infected me, I been with so many of these North American truckers," said a Muncie prostitute with HIV who wished to remain anonymous. "Coulda been any one of them. But it's too late for me now. I got the virus that causes AIDS."
AIDS experts say that HIV is being spread at a frightening pace by North American truck drivers, who often have sex in their cabs while parked at the Stucky's truck stop in Muncie, or sometimes at Denny's. They pick up HIV from prostitutes and spread it to other prostitutes and eventually their wives as well.
The spread of HIV is made easier by the unconventional sexual practices of the truckers. AIDS expert Dr. Robert Gallo explains:
"These truckers often rupture a prostitute's abdomen when they lean their bloated beer bellies against the woman," said Dr. Gallo. "The internal bleeding finds its way to the vagina, and this gives HIV a much greater opportunity to infect."
HIV gains an additional advantage by the fact that the truckers' penises are often average-sized and frequently have hairs growing out of them. "Those hairs irritate the woman's vaginal lining, creating tiny tears and abrasions that are the equivalent of rolling out a red carpet for HIV to enter," said Dr. Gallo.
What's more, many truckers are reported to engage in "Miller Dry Sex." While drinking a dry lager, the men get so drunk they are unable to put a condom on correctly. And sometimes they use the neck of the beer bottle in foreplay with the woman. "Often the glass breaks, and this causes bleeding in the genital area, which facilitates the spread of HIV," said Dr. Gallo.
The situation is made worse by the common trucker practice of putting peanuts in their bottles of Coke. The peanuts get into the woman's vagina and provide a place for the HIV viruses to congregate and plan their assault on the vaginal membranes.
"Them darn peanuts are probably what let the HIV virus get into me," said the prostitute. "I know I should have said no, but I didn't want to lose a good customer."
It has also been reported that many North American truckers have engaged in sex with chickens, potentially exposing themselves to CIV, the Chicken Immunodeficiency Virus that is thought to be closely related to HIV. Once inside the trucker, the CIV mutates into HIV, and the cycle of infection begins anew.
"The fact is, many of these truckers are insatiable, and have sex six or seven times a day, with a different prostitute each time," said an indignant Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. "Many times they don't even clean off the seat before inviting another prostitute into their cab. They get prostitutes to spank them, thinking that this will soothe their aching buttocks. Also, many of them rape underaged girls, believing that if they rape a virgin they will have an orgasm and feel powerful and important."
Indiana state troopers have quadrupled their patrols in Muncie since the Centers for Disease Control warned that the city was becoming a HIV epicenter. Arrests have mounted, of both prostitutes and truckers. But AIDS specialists warn that more severe measures may be necessary.
"We've got to deal with these issues of male domination and the victimization of women," said Gallo. "We have to start talking about the fact that we're not going to curb this epidemic unless we take stern measures, such as making sex without a condom a crime punishable by not less that 15 years imprisonment. Or perhaps even more severe measures are needed, such as making all sex between unmarried persons illegal. Congress must take the initiative--we need legislation to cut truckers' salaries so they will not be able to afford prostitutes. And we need to put all the prostitutes in jail for life. I'm sure this is something that women's groups can get behind--it's just part of the continuing struggle for freedom and human dignity for all the world's people."
© 2006 Marcel
Marcel Girodian is a satyr -- I mean a satirist -- who specializes in objective reporting about the "scientific community." His application for a $5 million grant to write about the AIDS establishment was recently turned down by the NIH. (Otis)
Marcel, I did some research on the Chicken Immunodeficiency Virus. If it were not for all those hairs growing out of trucker penises, you would have found your master of satire Here. No, let me think. Only one single reference for CIV found on the whole WWW. You wrote that letter too, didn't you?
Posted by: henrysillian | October 14, 2006 at 06:24 AM
I see no reason why there shouldn't be a Chicken Immunodeficiency Virus. There is a Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus (BIV), a Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and of course, the famous Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) that started it all. Since monkeys are known to sometimes have sex with cows, cats and people, it is surely possible that they have done it with chickens too.
Or perhaps the Bird Flu virus mutated into the Chicken Immunodeficiency Virus. I'm sure we'd find a paper disoursing on that possibility too, if we searched the archives. (If not, hint hint to all those medical researchers out there, this is surefire grant material).
Posted by: Rufus | October 14, 2006 at 06:56 AM
Yeah! SIV and HIV and FIV and BIV, it's all out there. One thing left: DIV, the Diplomatic Immunity Virus. That's what Gallo & Co will be infected with the day the Aids dissident shit finally and definately hits de fan.
Posted by: henrysillian | October 14, 2006 at 07:05 AM
What a laugh, keep up the good work. I think that you forgot one, the sheep virus.
Posted by: noreen martin | October 14, 2006 at 07:42 AM
from: "Oncogenes, Aneuploidy and AIDS", Ch.4
"Kid Heretic followed his two stiff opening jabs with an uppercut that connected with enough force to reverberate loudly even today. Why don’t chimpanzees develop AIDS after experimental infection with HIV? They are, after all, our closest genetic relatives, and they are susceptible hosts for every single human virus, including HIV. And yet, today when more than fifty chimpanzees have been successfully infected for more than seventeen years, as demonstrated by their positive “AIDS-tests,” not one has developed clinical AIDS. There is no other virus that causes a disease in humans which will not reproduce that disease in chimps. Team Temin could only come back with: “It is true HIV does not cause AIDS in chimpanzees. Most viruses are species-specific in host range and in capacity to produce disease.” (8) Host range is not at issue since HIV infects chimps quite all right, but they follow this flay at thin air with a powerful-sounding near miss. “For example, herpes B virus, yellow fever virus, and dengue virus cause serious diseases in humans, but produce no disease symptoms during infection in many species of monkeys.” (8) Chimps may be a lot of things, but they are most definitely not monkeys, and every one of these viruses is pathogenic for them.
The virus corner then throws a thunderous boomerang punch. Temin’s team invokes the recently discovered simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) and its equally new disease, Simian AIDS, to preserve Koch’s postulates, just as they would later trot forth the new feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and its brand-new disease, feline AIDS. Whether these animal models even resemble human AIDS – a topic we will visit in passing later on – the essential point is that we are now asked to believe one of two highly improbable alternatives: Either these latter diseases were present all along in monkeys and cats, and animal retrovirologists, as desperate as their human retrovirologist colleagues to find some clinical relevance for their work, had somehow missed them; or a whole bunch of new deadly retroviruses all evolved at the very same moment. Coincidentally, just in time to butter a lot of stale bread.[italics, Otis]
Peter flicks a few stinging, Ali-like jabs by asking the other side to reconcile devastating T-cell loss with minimal infectivity, biochemical quiescence, and with the presence of virus-inactivating antibodies. Not on the steadiest of legs, Team Virus shoots back with p24 antigenemia, and chronic herpes – the former to defend the preposterous notion that there were enormous amounts of active virus “hiding” (their word) in the body, and the latter to establish their point that “Many viruses are highly pathogenic after evidence of immunity appears.” Neglecting, of course, to mention that reactivated viral diseases like herpes and hepatitis occur only when the immunity gets low, are in step with easily detected virus production, and recede when the immune system responds. Not quite the scenario of HIV and AIDS."
Posted by: Otis | October 14, 2006 at 10:36 AM
I remember asking one of the Hiv apologists -- I think it was that guy from Los Alamos Laboratory -- whatzis name? -- about FIV. His response, as I recall, was: "FIV doesn't cause any immune deficiency that I'm aware of." To which I responded..."then why do they call it the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus???"
It all sounds comical, but one day a few years ago at a guest house in Thailand where I was staying, the owner, who loved cats and had many of them, had put one of his cats in a cage. The others all ran free. As I'm always upset when I see any animal in a cage, I asked him why he caged the cat. He said that the cat had FIV, and he had to isolate him from the others.
Knowing the things I know, I said that his cat doesn't have FIV. He said "Yes, he tested positive for the virus." And he was taking the FIV medicine.
So, it's not just humans who suffer from the Reign of the Retrovirologists. Much more intelligent species like kats have also become victims.
Posted by: Quincy Wagstaff | October 14, 2006 at 12:54 PM
I've reread the story of the chicken bones and the sperm covered tissues in the link referred to above. I find the post hilarious and wished I'd thought of writing such a thing. Just for the fun of reading the reaction of absolute humorless doctors who don't seem to give a shit about people at all and can only come up with hate reactions like:
Dude, congratulations! You win the award for the most whacked-out question of the week. Where should we send your prize? It's a handy-dandy, fashion-forward straightjacket that you can wear on your way to your padded cell."
It's weird. Right now it seems to me that all the interesting, well-read, funny, intelligent and caring people are resembled under the Aids dissident banner, leaving the humorless, angry, foulmouthed, dumb and aggressive hillbillies to the Gallo, Wainberg, Fauci and Moore team. Is it only me or do other people have that kind of bizarre impressions every now and then?
Posted by: henrysillian | October 14, 2006 at 01:07 PM
a whole bunch of new deadly retroviruses all evolved at the very same moment.
That is no coincidence but very logical. Had the viruses evolved even say only one century before, we would never have known because we didn't have the equipment to detect them. And the viruses would have felt like a lonely golf player hitting his once in a life time hole in one. Which would have been far too cruel, even for retroviruses.
Posted by: henrysillian | October 14, 2006 at 01:20 PM
Mr. Sillian,
You should rather praise your good luck as well as the enormous strides for mankind made by modern medical science in the last 100 years or so. (I have it on reliable authority)
If HIV hadn't had the good grace to delay its invention until science was ready for it none of us would even be here today to make fun of the poor thing. (that I also have on good authority, although not my husband's this time)
Posted by: Lise | October 14, 2006 at 03:09 PM
Ni Hao! Kannichi Wa!
Astounding nostalgia. That the journal Nature that still hypocritically bears the name of the journal of ’68 (like the current Demican and Republicrat parties claim to resemble the historic Democrat and Republican parties) would publish a thoughtful innovative idea from a graduate student no less.
This article reflects the days when science meant in deed what is only mouthed today.
CSN (Cell, Science, Nature) and similar media outlets going under the guise of “science” and the de facto censorship system referred to as “peer review” are clearly simply Joe Goebbels-type propaganda vehicles going under the guise of the “science” niche as are the major pop network media outlets like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and wannabe FOX for general media.
At one time the scientific method was based on skepticism, innovation was defined as challenging the dogma, a new idea, and this was what was funded and admired. Soon the major journals and grant proposal forms as they go to online submission and “peer censorship” will consist of a pdf template with blanks to be filled in. We are essentially halfway there now where a single gene of the 35000 (its decreasing steadily) can be filled in a template.
Clearly hints of Orwell’s 1984 is in a titanic struggle with the scientific method and it has made pervasive inroads as the media outlets referred to above both popular and in the “scientific” sector. Yet there is hope in the American system of culture clash and debate despite attempts to destroy it and make it like the failed systems of history. And the democratic platform offered by the internet of which this site and many others are example.
However, there are now multiple generations since the 60’s exampled by the individuals that Dr. Bialy has engaged (the political pundits going under the guise of science called ScientificBlogs that are internet savvy, and aggressively seeking public accolade through the internet). These two generations have been generally brainwashed, but are permeating “peer censorship” committees. It is frightening that glorified post-docs called Assistant Professors and other titles in our current system are given decisive votes as primary reviewers on study sections beyond their rightful place of advisors and listened to on the internet as the brainwashed bloggers Dr. Bialy and you Groucho engage..
Professors Mullis, Wally Gilbert and Academy of Science appointees as Peter Duesberg and rare others are a rare breed that will use their ga-ga status acquired by the whims of the conventional election committees to perform their obligatory roles as true scientists to question the established politicized dogma established by religious “Amen Brother” acclimation.
The optimistic note is that there are a large number of essentially schizophrenic practicing scientists (like myself) out there who are in the closet but secretly true to the scientific method, but have to put up the front and smokescreen of the established dogma to maintain their livelihood. It is this contingent that should be sought out and rewarded by those in power who also must mouth the established quo, but are at heart enlightened.
MOTYR (a closet establishment scientist, smokescreening to stay funded, but at heart knows the truth and hopes for the day when the true scientific method will dominate).
Note Bene: Just read the comment by Lise. Great Buddha, she is right, if HIV had shown up any other time in history, it would be in its rightful place in history as a minor correlate of a complex disease. Only in today’s Orwell's 1984-Joe Goebbels climate that has hijacked the scientific method could it have ever had dominant causal attention. Unfortunately, we are in an era of reductionism based on gene sequencing that any variable measured as a correlate of anything deserves major attention as a cause and a druggable target.
Posted by: Mouth of the Yellow River | October 14, 2006 at 10:16 PM
or more formally,
我最尊敬和聰明客人誰是大師這五藝術, 可以我最不值得自已謙遜邀請您對雍容我們淒慘站點由您詞至尊智慧和_發嗎?
"We" all hope you say _ 是
Posted by: Otis | October 15, 2006 at 01:36 PM
Hey DT!
Well sufficient time has elapsed without any keyboard clicks from you that I (we) must now presume you have "chickened out" once again.
This is a pun on your profession, as I have learned, through one of my almost uncountable sources of gossip and similiar "info", that you practice veterinary medicine somewhere in Scotland and that your speciality is SHEEP AIDS.
If my source is accurate (and I have no reason to think he is not), this explains just about everything about you.
Posted by: Otis | October 18, 2006 at 07:08 PM