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  • The NIH Keeps Up With The Times: 1, 2, 3. David Baltimore Has A Flashback: ***. The NY Times Keeps Up With Times: ***. The Faith of Anthony Fauci: ***. Anthony Fauci Explains How HIV Causes AIDS: ***. Robert Gallo on The Force of Ejaculation: ***, on HIV Theory: ***, Lectures in Marseilles: ***. David Ho Does The Math: ***. John Mellors Sets the Record Straight: ***. Bono, el Magnifico, Holds (Another) Press Conference: ***. Anthony Fauci Explains Journalism in the Age of AIDS: ***. Anthony Fauci and David Ho Disprove an Old Adage: ***. Anthony Fauci Explains ICL and AIDS: *** The CDC Can't Keep Up With The Times:*** The Method of the "Small Inquisitor" Moore:*** The Co-Discovery of a Nobel-Worthy Enzymatic Activity:*** The Revenge of the "Very" Minor Moriarty:*** Julie Gerberding and Anthony Fauci Learn Arithmetic:*** Osama Obama Has a Message for Africa:***

Bad Manners and Good Gossip

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October 12, 2006


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Johnny B.

Hank changes his blog by adding a number of interesting, knowledgeable authorities as guest commentators and suddenly there are virtually no comments. Previously nearly every article had several comments and many had dozens. I wonder what the explanation is. Even my little comment here has nothing to do with the point of the post. Mesmerizing.


johnny B,

You are not correct. There are still many comments and as previously they are almost totally restricted to Hank posts, and there they are extended only when someone like DT enters to make silly argument. Otherwise the comments are mostly on the order of right on, which are not so interesting I think you will agree.

Many of the new contributor columns do not allow comments. You can imagine several reasons for this, I trust.

Are you less mesmerized now?

Do you have anything to write that has to do with the totally freaky way this damn virus has infected poor Marcos for so many years that he has vivid memories of the insanities?


Hank changes his blog by adding a number of interesting, knowledgeable authorities as guest commentators and suddenly there are virtually no comments.

I think I have an explanation: Aids dissidents have nothing to add and Aids apologist simply back out silently, tail between the legs.

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