Truth to tell, since completing my “very scientific” biography of Peter Duesberg, who I affectionately, and accurately call “the Darwin of oncogenesis and the Mr. Magoo of the Internet", I have not personally kept up with either the cancer genetics literature or the HIV/AIDS paper machine except for a few noteworthy exceptions.
But with the publication just last week of the remarkable admission in Medical Care, it seems that only a deaf, dumb and blind could still seek shelter in the 100 billion plus dollar house of cards that AIDS, Inc. has built over a quarter of a century.
The once deadly, sexually transmitted virus that caused AIDS by irrevocably destroying the all important CD4+ sub-population of T helper cells, but could be held in check and even reversed (at least temporarily) by newer combinations of old and new drugs whose efficacy could be accurately monitored by precise, biochemical measurements known as “viral loads”, and which was epidemic in both the United States and Africa since at least 1980, has of today definitely been shown:
- According to the Am. J. of Epidemiology, not be sexually transmitted.
- According to the Lancet, not respond to HAART regimens in a way that supports the anecdotal accounts of these “magic bullets.”
- According to JAMA, have no meaningful relationship between always biologically, insignificant amounts of its nucleic acid and CD4+ cell numbers.
- According to the CDC, never have been epidemic in the Unites States at all.
- And now, according to Medical Care, it isn't even deadly.
Did somebody say, “Excuse me” ?
Bialy is the editor of "You Bet Your Life".
And you might add:
According to the makers, not reliably detected by "their tests".
Posted by: George | November 15, 2006 at 11:22 AM