In an article published in Science last
year, David Ho, Daniel Douck, and Ronald Desrosiers were quoted as saying that
the "HIV=AIDS" time course should be shortened to span several months
to a few years (Jon Cohen. "It's The Gut, Stupid." Vol 307, p. 1395,
2005), and that "HIV" kills the lymphoid tissues of the gut in a few
days to months.
This proclamation was at
variance with the CDC's long-standing contention that "HIV" has an
average latency of 5-10 years before progression to AIDS.
This weekend, Dr. Bruce
R. Schackman, Chief of Health Policy at Weill Cornell Medical College in New
York (that beacon of AIDS science) and lead author of a new paper appearing in
Medical Care, a journal published by the American Public Health Association
said that "HIV/AIDS" patients can live an average 24 years, if
they pay $385,000.
A ("HIV") leads to B
(decrease and inversion of CD4/CD8) which leads to C (full blown AIDS):
The CDC says: A
("HIV infection") leads to B (drop and inversion of CD4/CD8 in
5-10 years), which leads to C (inevitable full blown
David Ho, Daniel Douck, and
Ronald Desrosiers say: A ("HIV infection") leads to B
(drop and inversion of CD4/CD8 in a few months), which leads to C
(inevitable full blown AIDS/DEATH).
Bruce R. Schackman says: A ("HIV
infection") leads to B (drop and inversion of CD4/CD8) which leads
to C (inevitable
full blown AIDS/DEATH in 24 years on average).
Associated Press:
"U.S. HIV Forecast: 24 years, $600,000"
Andrew Maniotis, is a Program Director in the Cell and Developmental Biology of Cancer unit of the Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago