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November 29, 2006


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Steve Keppel-Jones

Among the numerous nuggets in this article is the following that I think merits a bit more attention.

Dr. Dach mentions that calcium supplementation is not beneficial to bone health, and that excess acid in the North American diet leads to osteoporosis. This is another way of saying that bone health is inversely correlated to animal protein intake, as demonstrated in a study by Dr. Deborah Sellmeyer et al. [1]

Has the dairy industry been up to the same tricks as the pharmaceutical one by promoting milk as a cure, rather than a cause, of osteoporosis?

AZT anyone?

"Sound familiar?"

Sellmeyer DE, Stone KL, Sebastian A, Cummings SR.
A high ratio of dietary animal to vegetable protein increases the rate of bone loss and the risk of fracture in postmenopausal women. Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group. Am J Clin Nutr. 2001 Jan;73(1):118-22.

Dr. P. S. Duke

There are dozens of web sites that show the benefits of a pH-balanced diet, which extend far beyond bone strength:

It may seem counter-intuitive, but highly acidic foods such as lemons and limes are actually listed as alkalizing:

So don't trust your own instincts about what to eat, check the charts first.


Dr. Dach,

I would very much appreciate hearing your thoughts on a related matter. I have "heard" in various places around the internet that too much Vitamin C causes the body to leach calcium from the bones in order to compensate for the increased acidity in the body.

Since this sounds plausible, I don't immediately dismiss it as I do many of the other bogus anti-Vitamin claims being made by corrupt pharma-flunky scientists in the warmup to the implementation of the WHO/FAO/Codex food regulations*, which, I understand, will become law in most countries by 2009 (this is called "harmonization" of laws), and which outlaw the sale of any vitamin supplements above pitifully low, yet to be announced levels, thus effectively destroying the Natural Health Movement, which was Big Pharma's most detested competitor, and assuring that people will become undernourished and sickly, creating an even vaster market for the Pharma Ghouls than they already have.

So, can you tell us if you think there is any truth to this factoid about vitamin C leaching calcium from the bones?

*For all who want to know more about the coming Codex rules (and EVERYONE should know about them), a visit here and here will be worth your time.

Jeffrey Dach, MD

That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Vitamin C is actually required for collagen formation, which is the main organic part of the bone. The inorganic part, calcium, is hydroxyapatite.
I recommend a buffered form of Vitamin C, which actually has mild alkalinzing effect, so there is no net acid production.

An excellent resource on the many health benefits of Vitamin C is Dr . Levy’s book ,

Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

Jeffrey Dach, MD

The question of animal protein intake and osteoporosis came up on my A4M oral Board Exam last December. Elderly osteoporotic women need adequate protein in their diet to maintain the protein-based collagen matrix of bone, as well as adequate calcium. The better dietary choice is vegetable protein, since it is alkalinizing.

However, animal protein can be OK as long as the remainder of the diet contains enough alkalinizing foods for balance. Using pH strips is one way to find out.

Vitamin D has been implicated as another key for maintaining healthy bones. Vieth reports on the surprising fact that Vitamin D levels in the population should be much higher than we all thought. He feels that optimal serum 25(OH)D is higher than 100 nmol/L. The combined effect of current nutrition guidelines and current sun-avoidance advice usually results in levels lower than 75 nmol/L.

Rucker found a high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in Western Canada, defined as a serum level of less than 40 nmol/L, and suggested dietary vitamin D supplementation. Surprisingly, I frequently find low serum Vit D levels even here in sunny Florida, because of sun avoidance.

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