"Entrapment is this Society's / Sole Activity" - Edward Dorn,
A growing number of scientists, doctors, academics, journalists, and other professionals are questioning the HIV/AIDS hypothesis. As of
7 May 2007, 2,454
had signed the statement hyperlinked above. Add your name by following the link.
The REAL ROGUE'S GALLERY of AIDS with An Investigative Journalistic Note
"Science Sold Out: Does HIV Really Cause AIDS?" by Rebecca Culshaw has almost sold out its second printing of 22 March, and is making the BOD of AIDS, Inc. more nervous than even this demonstrates. As well it should.
Peter Duesberg's Powerpoint Presentation at the Lew Rockwell 2006 Annual Conference.
New as of 28 March - A Multi-billion Dollar AIDS Quiz
Peter Duesberg on The Chromosomal Origins of Cancer, Asilomar 2007 [with a 4 MB Powerpoint].
New as of 5 May. Peter Duesberg on "Chromosomal Chaos and Cancer" in Scientific American.
Interview with Peter Duesberg by David J. Brown in Smart Publications "Mavericks of Medicine" [Feb. 21 and very spiffy].
New as of 27 April - "AIDS" in Africa / Made in the USA Tee-Shirt
Very popular video: HIV=AIDS - Fact or Fraud?
Great AIDS Debate. Interview with President Thabo
Mbeki first broadcast in April 2000 on "Carte Blanche" M-Net, South Africa. AIDS AND AFRICA. A one hour documentary filmed in Uganda, Tanzania, Cameroon, and Côte
d'Ivoire - Dispatches, Channel 4, UK, 1993.
The powerful and controversial documentary, "Guinea Pig Kids", can be viewed here.
The Moore Manifesto
The Moore Declaration of War
Lee Evans Has Something to Say to Everybody in a New Video
Lee Evans Has Something to Say to Oprah Winfrey
On Christmas Eve, Rubbie King wrote the following in the "Guestbook" at her sister's memorial website.
"I am the sister of Joyce Ann Hafford...I'm sure she is smiling on this day as she looks from heaven above and is a witness to the generosity of mankind.
Sterling and Jermal are blessed to be loved by a wealth of people who have only met them in the face of tragedy. It is this display of love for which my sister died on August 1, 2003. She died loving her sons. I survived her tragic death to continue her love.
My family and I will never be able to express how much this means to us, to be loved by our now extended family (you)..Celia has been wonderful and for that we will always be eternally greatful. There's an African proverb that states it takes a village to raise a child. I am elated to know the village still exists. Thank you for your support and love....Merry Christmas and many many blessings from Rubbie Malone, Joyce's mother and her family especially Jermal and Sterling, her babies....
Added: December 24, 2006"
Posted by: Celia Farber | December 28, 2006 at 11:39 AM