I just wanted to say I am starting to read one of your books and I beleive what you are saying. I was infected in 1984 through factor 8 product as I am a hemophiliac mild factor 8 deficency. I have never taken any of their poison that every one of the "experts" tried to feed me so to speak- throughout the years and am still alive and breathing and doing ok. My point is that I personally do not know what to think about the whole hiv deal. Was it just to rid undesirable folk from the planet?
The mental scarring is what has been the worst part I feel. I am 32 now and we had a daughter in April of 05 she tested negative as well as her mother for hiv. I also have hep b. I will not allow liver biop as I am offened by this. It's like I am some kind of guinea pig to them when I do go to the doctor now. I feel I have paid many times over while growing up especially in a small town of 6500 here in Illinois, as you can imagine. I wanted to at least tell you a very small part of my story and that you could maybe have it as another example. I will never take their "lucrative disease industry- money stealing -profit before people -posion drugs"- they would love me to get on and wither away slowly while charging excessive amounts of money. I have seen too many of the kids I went to summer hemo camp with killed by that people poison. What a shame.
Feel free to contact me as I feel maybe I could be helpful to other people. Until now I have not been willing to "go public". Thanks for listening. J.
Dear J.
Many, many thanks for your kind letter. You are indeed a textbook model of the theory that AIDS is a chemical, rather than a viral disease. You fit all predictions of chemical AIDS to the letter:
1) You should be dead from viral AIDS for at least 12 years now, according to the NIH-Gallo hypothesis. But you aren't.
2) Since you didn't take AZT and other DNA chain-terminators since 1987 and protease inhibitors since 1996, you should be even deader than by the deadly virus alone. But you aren't.
3) Perhaps you could be accommodated as "elite controller" by the NIH-Fauci-Gallo hypothesis. This study is designed to find genes of yours that "control" the deadly HIV. If you join that study, you would be in the unique position of proving both competing AIDS theories at once! You would be an elite "guinea pig" of both Duesberg's and Fauci-Gallo-NIH's AIDS theories!
In the meantime, I congratulate you to your new baby, and for "staying the course" on non-viral AIDS,in addition to the burdens of your hemophilia. Indeed you are my hero now, and your letter made my day. Cordially and stay in touch, Peter D.
[J. writes back expressing his delight at hearing from the professor, and attaching a photograph.]
Dear J.
The way you look calls for for extensions of the latent period of the deadly virus. I thought you would at least look like an AIDS patient - but you really, really dont. Gallo and Fauci would be shocked. You must differ from their AIDS patients in several serious point mutations. Congrats encore. Peter
Peter Duesberg is a
professor in the department of molecular and cell biology at the University of
California (Berkeley), and a member of the United States National Academy of