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January 25, 2007


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Darin Brown

When I first became acquainted with this issue in 1996, I read several "politely written" books by dissidents. I felt I had certainly stumbled onto something important, but I still viewed the matter as primarily a scientific and medical dispute.

Then I read John Lauritsen's book The AIDS War, and my perspective completely changed. While some told me they found his writing excessive, vitriolic, over-the-top, or crazy, it was just what I needed to wake me out of my lull and see the situation for what it was. His passion and conviction demanded attention: "IS this person crazy, or is their indignation actually born of monumental injustice?"

Anthony's writing displays the same passion and conviction. It demands similar attention.

We should feel no remorse for telling it like it is.

Elizabeth Ely

What a coincidence that I recently used the word "sting" (with Ms. Farber, actually) to describe the response to AIDS dissidents. I used it to describe the deep shame that permeates the attacks and my response to them. (After all, the shame cooks up in me and I have a choice about that.)

It is not as if I am going to see the other side's point suddenly and back down on basic rationality. But the attacks push a button in me. To criticize a sacrificial rite, which AIDS is, is taboo. This taboo has, I must admit, reasons attached to it. Because if a sacrificial rite brings a society back into order, any objection is an affront against order. I feel the "sting" of those reasons in my bones and know that I have, in a certain sense, sinned against civilization. We must, at all costs, be polite, we are told. Don't upset the teacups at this party. Shhh.

But I MUST object to sacrificial rites. I MUST insist on a better way for humans to solve their problems. Otherwise, civilization remains a sham built on a foundation of genocide, superstition, prejudice and sexual oppression.

The other side, of course, is allowed to be fashionably taboo, hanging on its cross and screaming in pain about the friends who have died and how nobody cares and how the "band played on" . . . and on and on. As if no AIDS dissident ever experienced this or felt the "sting" of crossing a real taboo.

To anyone from the other side looking in here, I wish you to know that the smile on my face and the lightheartedness of my writing about this . . . abyss . . . come not from "denial" but from the knowledge that I am working toward a breakthrough in human problem solving. I see the power on this Web site to move proverbial mountains and real hearts, nations and corporations. This is a dangerous undertaking but one that cannot be stopped -- because rationality cannot be forced to be polite and go back inside. Reason is going to kick your ass all over town.

Marcel Girodian

I vividly remember the sixties and early 70s, and the rebellious spirit of those times that was systematically crushed by the establishment through means both overt and covert.

One film clip that keeps running through my mind is of youthful protesters heckling Nixon as he delivered a speech. They weren't being polite and diplomatic. They were chanting loudly, "BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT!"

On a cruder note, on his cable TV program Midnight Blue, Al Goldstein, a sexual liberator of sorts, used to harangue members of the establishment on every show, ending each harangue with "Fuck you, ______!"

What halcyon days those were, remembered in this epoch of total mind and thought control, courtesy of the Secret Government and their Totally Controlled Media.

I agree with Anthony Brink's apparent view that we should abandon all appearances of moderation and diplomacy, and loudly shout Bullshit in our pronouncements. "Fuck you," too.

I think this would be more credible to the public. They are put to sleep by polite language.

I think our Quotes from dissident scientists would be better if we stopped pulling our punches in order to be deemed polite and respectful.

Excellent as Kary Mullis's quotes are, I long to hear him say "HIV/AIDS is pure bullshit. It's corrupt junk science. Don't believe a word they say." Him and everyone else.

Politeness hasn't worked. AIDS Inc. show no sign of backing down from their terror campaign, which after all has now become a major pretext for globalization. They are not going to compromise. They are plowing full steam ahead to their next major goal -- mandatory testing and treatment of everybody.

We are never going to defeat the HIV/AIDS promoters in their telegenic white lab jackets and their Dress For Success three piece suits with sincere ties chosen for them by their PR agencies, these distinguished gentleman-psychopaths from the finest universities who are behind one of the biggest human rights atrocities in history and are determined that people never find this being nice.

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