In 1992, Peter Duesberg published a 77-page monograph in Pharmacology & Therapeutics (Vol. 55) in which he critically reviewed ten years of HIV/AIDS research. He presented in exhaustive detail the case against HIV as the cause AIDS, his own hypothesis that AIDS diseases are caused by recreational and pharmaceutical drug abuse in North America and Western Europe and by malnutrition and previously well known infections in Africa, and his conclusions regarding the sociological motivations and political manoeuvrings that rapidly propelled the virus-AIDS hypothesis to dogmatic acceptance in the almost complete absence of scientific evidence. It was clear even then that the scientific literature on HIV/AIDS was inconsistent and contradictory with a viral explanation. Nothing has changed in the intervening years except the inconsistencies and contradictions have grown [1, 2].
A version of this monograph, with approximately 85% of the referenced papers hyperlinked, has been on the internet for a while, but as of today, a significantly improved edition is located at the AIDS Wiki. The newly-rendered version is designed to take maximum advantage of extra- and intra-textual referencing, and now includes full texts of essentially all of the citations. This online HTML version requires no downloading and is designed to be extremely user-friendly, so the frequent claims that either Duesberg gives too many references for anybody to find, let alone read, or that he uses the scientific literature in biased and inaccurate ways are now no longer assertable in the first instance, and easily testable by even the most lazy (or busy) of scientists in the second. This page gives complete details on using the resource
Let me emphasize that the purpose of the 'hyperwired' monograph is not to resolve whether the HIV/AIDS hypothesis rests on ever-changing quicksand or solid scientific bases. While it may indeed prove useful in the resolution of this question, its primary purpose is to allow readers to decide for themselves whether the constant accusation that Duesberg "abuses the literature" has any legitimacy, or is nothing more than a desperate canard to draw attention away from uncomfortable facts.
As "Sir Charles Babbage commented, long ago, in "Reflections on the Decline of Science in England", (1830). Scientific fraud can be boiled down to three major forms of lying: (a) trimming, which consists in the smoothing of irregularities to make the data look extremely accurate and precise; (b) cooking, which refers to the practice of retaining only those results that fit the theory and discarding others that may weaken/limit its range of application (generalizability); and (c) forging, which means inventing some or all of the research data that are reported, and even reporting experiments to obtain those data that were never performed." [3]
Darin C.
Brown (the webmaster of the AIDS Wiki) received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California,
Santa Barbara in 2004. His dissertation was in algebraic number theory, and his "mathematical
lineage traces to Stark and Chebyshev".