I'm aware of the incomplete understanding of CD4 dynamics (e.g. the two studies, JAMA and Lancet that you have linked on your website), and problems in the relation between VL and CD4.
But, for example, look at the recent findings (J Virol, PLoS Med, ...., Dec 2006 - Feb 2007) that HIV destroys so many CD4 cells in the gut in the acute phase of infection -- this is before treatment, and it's not specific to a subpopulation of patients. What do you say about those? Best regards, Tobias
Lieber Kollege Tobias,
"Over 5000 scientists including Nobel prize winners" accepted Gallo's HIV-AIDS hypothesis long before the "recent studies" on what HIV might do in the gut in an acute infection, see the Durban Declaration, Nature 2000. So it seems that this recent breakthrough was not necessary to prove it. Yet I cannot find this proof in the "Declaration" nor anywhere else in the 200,000 papers on HIV-AIDS. Can you?
If the "over 5000 scientists including Nobel prize winners" would declare now that these "recent studies" at last prove Gallo's hypothesis that they had accepted without proof before, I would have to reconsider my own position.
In the meantime I wait for you to explain to me, how destruction of CD4 cells in the gut generates immuno-deficiency in the blood, dementia, Kaposi sarcoma, tuberculosis, cervical cancer, leukemia, weight loss, etc, which are all attributed to HIV. Mit freundlichen Gruessen, Peter D.
Peter Duesberg is a
professor in the department of molecular and cell biology at the University of
California (Berkeley), and a member of the United States National Academy of