Our scientific friends across the pond are trying new experiments with human-animal hybrid embryos.
Towards what end, you ask?
Professor Shaw answers:
“It will allow us to forge ahead on all fronts in our attempts to understand and develop therapies for a huge range of currently incurable diseases. Cures may be some years off, but this vote does mean we can use hybrid embryos, in addition to adult stem cells, in our search to understand what causes Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and motor neuron disease.”
Sounds noble, right? Except Dr. Shaw forgets one little part, to wit:
."...and it provides another stream of financial support from the government so that we have jobs in the future, irrespective of whether we find a cause or cure for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and motor neuron disease or spend years doing pointless research based on high-sounding ideals that produce no tangible benefit to anyone."
MInd the curb!
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