Food & Friends to reduce meal delivery services
Fuel costs, Ryan White cuts prompt waiting list, as executive criticized for $334,551 compensation package
By LOU CHIBBARO JR, Washington Blade | Jun 25, 8:49 AM
The Washington area’s largest provider of food and nutritional services to homebound people with AIDS and other serious illnesses has announced a reduction in its services due to a cutback in government funding and skyrocketing costs for gasoline and food
Well, that's a bummer. Food and nutritional services are definitely essential to AIDS patients, regardless of the HIV dispute.
We are in a solid and stable financial position,” said Craig Shniderman, the group’s executive director. “But we can’t spend money we don’t have. We have no choice but to reduce some of our services.”
But Shniderman this week was criticized by prominent AIDS activist and blogger Michael Petrelis, who published information from the latest available IRS finance report for Food & Friends, which showed Shniderman received a combined salary and benefits package in 2006 of $334,551.
$334,000 per year?!!? That's a lotta sheckels!
Only the naive fool or paid stooge believes that AIDS is about the science, as opposed to the money.